Weight | 0.000 kg |
CORIMBO 1 Reserva 750ML
Colour: It has a high layer, with an intense and bright
colour, with a cherry red background and a bright red rim.
Nose: It is very intense and full of different nuances in
many overlapping layers. The fruit is black in profile with
some red highlights. It is dominated by black plums,
blackberries and cherries.
It forms a complete landscape, made up of aromatic herbs,
fruits, some spices and damp earth.
The olfactory sensation is very fresh and the oak is
perfectly integrated.
Palate: Elegance, intensity and freshness at the same
The black and red fruits are combined in a very attractive
set. The tannins are fine and polished. There is no feeling
of weight or alcohol, just balance.
Perhaps it is the most corpulent vintage, but it is one of the
best balanced. Delicious wine with enough presence.
Harmonic and long, leaving a sensation of flatness and Freshness
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