The Independent Rose Prosecco 750ml


The Independent Rosè comes to life from the finest grapes picked at the heart of Fantinel estate, in a selected Pinot Noir vineyard. A special vine that gives structure, personality, complexity, and that is caressed by the touch of an harmonious aromaticness, the Chardonnay one.

The Independent Rosè charms at first sight, thanks to its classic pink colour, shining like a precious gem, through the brilliance of a fine bead. Its pleasant fragrance mixes delicious fruity essences and evolved scents that reveal a slow maturation, foreshadowing the silky pleasure that embraces the palate. A perfect harmony between effervescence and sophistication, celebrated by Italia Independent innovative packaging that enlivens with simplicity and elegance the classic herringbone motif. A unique and unmistakable sparkling wine, expression of excellence, produced in limited quantity.

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