Tommasi Amarone 750ml


Deep ruby red color with garnet shades. Warm, ripe on the nose, intense, and of great refinement. The taste is complex, smooth, full-bodied, with lots of cherry notes and plum. Tommasi’s traditional approach to Amarone favors elegance and balance, with deep fruit complemented by spicy, earthy flavors. The grapes come from the family’s choicest plots in Valpolicella Classico. A perfect example of a pure Amarone wine that will have plenty to offer today and over the next 10 years. This Amarone is made from Corvina Veronese 50%, Corvinone 15%, Rondinella 30%, Oseleta 5% native grapes, carefully selected from the hillside vineyards in the historical Valpolicella Classica zone: La Groletta and Conca d’Oro. The grapes are dried for 4 months prior to being pressed, and then the wine is aged for 30 months in Slavonian Oak barrels of 35 hectoliters.

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