Sandeman Founders reserve 750ml


A delicious Port made from selected white grape varieties grown in the Northern Portugal’s rugged Douro valley. Carefully made from the selected varieties, this White Port is dry yet maintains part of its natural sweetness, making it a perfect aperitif when served chilled on its own, with ice or as a long drink with a Splash of tonic water and a slice of lemon.

Sandeman Porto Fine White is produced by the traditional Porto Wine method. The hand-picked
grapes undergo stalk-removal and crushing before fermentation, under controlled temperature,
with skin maceration so as to extract the best components. The addition of wine alcohol at the
ideal moment sets the balance between the wine’s body and bouquet. This moment is chosen by
the winemaker following strict control of fermentation temperatures and densities, the later
depending on the vine variety, maturation stage and the final sweetness required.

A pale straw colour, Sandeman Porto Fine White has a tropical fruit aroma with slight vanilla notes
and light fresh flavour, crisp characteristics combined with a hint of natural sweetness.

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