Oettinger Weissbier 500ml (can)
Original Oettinger Weissbier is a naturally cloudy, golden wheat beer. Being fermented with fine and aromatic yeast, Oettinger guarantees a great refreshment and outstanding taste.Pours a cloudy golden orange color with a relatively dense bubbly head. Although it quickly dissipates, a thin layer of film remains throughout.
Aroma of banana, cloves and what I detect to be a hint of peaches or apricot juice. Lightly metallic aroma/tin can aroma lowers the score but slightly.
Fruity flavors throughout as per the aroma; banana, peach and apricot, as well as a touch of citrus. Little to no bitterness, light hops spice and moderate clove spice from the phenols.
Medium to light bodied. Nice soft and almost creamy mouthfeel. Very gentle carbonation.
Decent representation of the style. Not exceptional, but drinkable.
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