Jose Cuervo Especial Reposado (Gold) 750ml
Jose Cuervo Especial Reposado Gold is the world’s most popular tequila. The ‘gold standard’ by which others are judged. Cuervo Gold is a smooth tequila, with a slightly sweet-seeming taste. It is a blend of premium and reposado tequilas. The tequila has been rested in oak for a minimum of two months, which gives it its amber hue. Jose Cuervo Especial Reposado is the oldest and #1 selling tequila in the world. In 1795, the King of Spain granted Jose Antonio de Cuervo the first concession ever to produce tequila commercially. This singular event marked the birth of tequila. It is made from a blend of Reposado and younger tequilas which resulted to a well-balanced, smooth tequila.
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