Hennessy VS Cognac 700ml
The world’s most popular Cognac, Hennessy V.S is the modern-day equivalent of the original Hennessy 3-Star. It is an expression of expertise and consistency, centuries in the making.
Hennessy is the uncontested leader in cognac. Hennessy V.S Cognac (V.S stands for “very special”) is a blend of 40 different eaux-de-vie selected for their vivacity, for an intense and fruity character with pleasantly oaky notes. On the palate, powerful flavors suggest grilled almonds, supported by lively notes reminiscent of fresh grapes.
Enjoy it in a traditional snifter, on ice, in long drinks or in cocktails. Made from grapes, cognac goes perfectly with fruit, spices and other liquors, providing an ideal base for innovative and delicious cocktail creations.
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