Fili Prosecco Brut 750ml
The Fili Prosecco Brut is a fruity sparkling wine in a unique bottle shape commissioned by the founder and owner of Sacchetto Vini, Filiberto, who is also the wine’s namesake. Prosecco is an Italian white wine made with grapes known as Glera. Italy holds some of the oldest winemaking locations in the world and is globally renowned for its great wines. The Fili Prosecco Brut is one of Sacchetto Vini’s most awarded wines. It is stylish and energizing in exterior design as well as taste, making it ideal for celebrations and other happy occasions. Sacchetto Fili Prosecco has won a commendation in the 2015 Decanter World Wine Awards, a bronze placement in the 2015 Sommelier Wine Awards, and a bronze placement in the International Wine Challenge 2015 2nd Tranche.
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