Dewar’s 15 Year Old Whisky 750ml
Dewar’s 15, created by Dewar’s master blender Stephanie Macleod, has been matured in sherry and bourbon casks and, once blended, put back into specially selected oak casks to marry for greater smoothness and a longer, lingering finish. The blend features tasting notes of honey, golden toffee, warm and complex, along with rich succulent exotic fruits with hints of coconut and vanilla aromas including citrus and green apple notes and lest we forget the delicate and exquisitely scented floral aromas with a smooth, well-round and long and warming finish. Called “The Monarch”, Dewar’s 15 was named after the famous 1851 painting “The Monarch of the Glen” by Sir Edwin Landseer, which was purchased in 1916 by John Dewar’s and Sons.
The aroma initially shows a dark side to the whisky with rich, dark amber honey and lemon zest that has been lit and set in your cocktail. Oak is fairly pronounced as well. As you drink, however, those notes become brighter and sprightly. There’s a mouthwatering aftertaste filled with dried fruit that entices you to go for another sip. This is a fairly easy and straight-forward blended whisky. If you’re a fan of their standard bottling, this one is a nice step up.
DEWAR’S is famed the world over for quality blended whiskies and a flair for innovative advertising and promotions. Today DEWAR’S is the fifth largest Blended whisky brand in the world, and the top selling Scotch Whisky in the USA.
It was John Dewar’s dynamic sons, John Alexander and Tommy Dewar, who made DEWAR’S an international success. The brothers also founded the Aberfeldy Distillery in 1898, the physical and spiritual home of DEWAR’S, which to this day produces the Single Malt Whisky that lies at the heart of every DEWAR’S blend.
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