Casa Solis Sauvignon Blanc 750ml
Casa Solís has sprouted from a seed in a far away land. A seed in sewn in 1952 with the Family Solis winery in Spain has grown from sapling into a fine tree. Now its own seeds take rootin a new land: Chile. Casa Solís is a union of past experience in an exciting new destination.
Pale lemon yellow with vibrant herbaceous aromas, notes of grapefruit and tropical pineapple on the palate. vivacious and fresh with an elegant finish. The perfect accompaniment to fish, seafood, and Mediterranean salads.
After a rigorous follow-up on the maturation of the grape, the optimum harvesting moment is determined. The grapes will be destemmed and subjected to macerations below 10 degrees for 6-8 hours. Fermentation occurs at low temperatures to maximize the primary aromas typical of this variety.
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