Absolut Vodka Blue 750ml
Continuously distilled leading to a finer, cleaner crisper vodka, a key part of Absolut’s identity. 100% natural ingredients, no added sugars. Completely unfiltered by charcoal or chemicals, an indication of 100% purity Every ingredient in Absolut Vodka comes from a small village in Southern Sweden called Åhus, making Absolut the world’s largest locally produced vodka.
Absolut Vodka was first launched in New York in 1979. It soon became the talk of the town, in the US and eventually of the world. A cabinet essential and a fantastically versatile vodka.
Clean and complex on the nose, with subtle cereal notes. Smooth and mellow to taste with a distinct character of peppery grain, followed by a hint of dried fruit and sourdough bread.
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